2020-2022 Project Plans

Secure A Headquarter Location

For the past 7 years, BBHope has operated from temporary locations, even having to relocate at times due to unforeseen circumstances. This year, after discovering a potential facility to operate from, we began specifically fundraising to meet the cost of a permanent headquarters site in Lebanon. We plan to reach our financial goals in 2022 and secure a home for the Beirut Bridge of Hope students and community.

Increase School Size By 20%

As BBHope School continues to grow, we are looking to increase not only our number of classes, but also our student capacity.

With the economic crash that started in October of 2019, the income of the Lebanese people has been sliced to a fourth of their previous salaries. Many schools have closed and many children are not able to attend school this year. The average price of one year’s tuition is $5,000 per student per year. The current average income for a Lebanese citizen is $600 per month. People are not being able to pay their monthly bills, much less provide for their children’s education.

It is our intention to work with Lebanese students this upcoming school year.

Your support will make a difference in the life of a child, in the life of a mother, in the life of a father! Support Beirut Bridge of Hope today and help change a life!